
Archive for the ‘Philosophy’ Category

Herefordshire in Transition Alliance response to Council’s Core Strategy

Note from site moderator: The following is the response of the HiT group to Herefordshire Council’s Core Strategy of March 2013 which can be viewed on the Council website (n.b. very large PDF document – 270 pages).

Herefordshire in Transition Alliance (HiT Alliance) – Response to Herefordshire LDF Core Strategy Consultation – April 2013

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Thursday 2nd May – Charles Secrett at Newent

You are invited to a free evening of presentations and discussions with Charles Secrett, one of the UK’s leading environmentalists and ex Director of Friends of the Earth Read more…

Rob Hopkins – Founder of Transition – on the next ten years

Categories: General, Philosophy

Extra event – 13th October

Our Transition Showcase will be on display during the Archenfield Arts community event in St Weonards Church on 13th October, from Noon to 4pm. Come along to enjoy our local eisteddfod! Thanks to the organisers for inviting us. Details…

Categories: Events, Philosophy

Revised leaflet published

You can see the latest leaflet here: ACT leaflet September 2012

Categories: Events, General, Philosophy

Clone towns and independent shops

We’re lucky in having a number of independent shops and businesses in Archenfield, but what’s happening to our nearby towns? Rob Hopkins, founder of the Transition movement, has an interesting piece on his blog this week.

July meeting

On 24th July we held an open meeting in St Weonards Village Hall. Our new leaflet was launched. We were inspired by the film “the Farm of the Future” followed by William Braid’s description of his project on Garway Hill. We then divided into 2 groups, one looking at food production and distribution, the other looking at energy use and conservation in our homes.

We’re in the Transition Network!

ACT has been accepted as a “mulling” Transition Initiative. In the next stage we’ll look to gaining “official” status.

Categories: General, Philosophy

Moving forward again

We have new ideas on local energy initiatives and on community transport to link isolated areas with bus services into Hereford and Monmouth! Can you contribute more ideas? See the Moving forward post lower down this page, and get your ideas flowing! Email any thoughts on new ideas, or how we can get your particular pet projects under way to!

Moving forward

Following our first four meetings, discovering feelings about transition to a more resilient community, and picking up on the positive rather than the negative input, we’re exploring ways to develop as a community Transition movement. It seems to us that the words “community” and “friendship” are at the heart of what we hope to do, and at the next meeting we’ll ask people who have ideas to move us forward in particular directions. We’d like to plan for this in advance.

We already have a vegetable growing club – perhaps this needs to expand? And what about energy – both producing it in different ways, and using less of it. Could shared transport could be a way of cutting energy usage? If you have an idea for a sub-group (see the tabs above for ideas!) to start us on this positive route along the way, and have the energy, temperament and committment to work with others, perhaps you could get in touch with the core group?

Please email with your thoughts in the first instance so that we can start on the next phase of Archenfield Community Transition!

Categories: Community, General, Philosophy